
We are all searching for something more. We have a hole in our heart that were constantly trying to fill with whatever we can; alcohol, drugs, sex, popularity, fame, food, etc. You’re looking for the answers in all the wrong places. You turn from one thing to another and sure you find momentary happiness, but then you come down from that high, wake up from another crazy night empty, or you’re sitting alone in the darkness allowing your thoughts, which are really lies from the enemy, to consume you. Let me tell you from experience, you will never feel complete until you surrender your life to the one who created it. Sure, in the things of this world you will find temporary solutions, and short-term happiness. But you’re living so much less than God intended for you live. When you let go of your life, which right now is slipping through your hands, and submit to God, you will find true joy. I’ve been there. I know what it feels like to be stuck in a hole that you’ve dug yourself into way to deep. You feel like no one can hear you, no one cares, and no one can help you; it’s pointless. Time and time again, you try to change but something happens, and you find yourself doing the same things you were before. You feel hopeless and so far gone, that there’s no way you can be found. But let me tell you, you are more than the mistakes you’ve made. When God created you, He knew you were going to make mistakes. But you, you are not a mistake. God couldn’t love you more than He does right now. He is a God of unconditional love and it breaks His heart to see you hurting. Don’t let the things you’ve done, or been done to you, pull you away from God. Instead draw close to Him, and hand him your brokenness. You’re not too much for God. He wants to heal, restore, and redeem your life; you just have to give it Him.

Published by destinyherring

Instagram; _destinyherring I love Jesus & I love People

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